ich habe gerade folgende mail vom Rootes Club France bekommen. Falls also jemand nächstes jahr nach Le Mans will ist da u.U. etwas Hilfe zu bekommen.
Dear Sirs,
You certainly know that in 2012, the most important event in France for Classic and Sport Cars enthusiasts is LE MANS CLASSIC, which will be held on 6, 7 and 8 July 2012. Once again, our club, the CLASSIC SUNBEAM & ROOTES de FRANCE will participate, and we hope to see the STOC and SAOC together with us in the Club enclosure, inside of the Bugatti circuit.
We would be very happy to see other european ROOTES car club members joining us for this particular occasion.
Informations concerning this event, as well as entry forms are available on the website www.lemansclassic.com , and for furthermore informations, you may contact Mr Gautier ROSSIGNOL from Peter Auto ( the organizer ), in charge of car clubs.
Please, let us know if your club or a few members wanted to participate, and dont hesitate to contact us if you need some help.